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Floating island cake

For 1, 12 slice- Zila cake form

Ingredients for the sponge cake

  • 50 g margarine
  • 1 spoonful of icing(caster, powdered) sugar
  • 1.5 egg yolk and white (or one large-sized egg)
  • 1.5 spoonful of sugar
  • 2 spoonful of flour
  • 1 teaspoonful of starch (or flour)

Beat the margarine until it is creamy and add the egg yolk mixing them slowly but just until it turns smooth. Beat the egg white with the sugar to get a cream which is not too stiff. Gently mix it with the margarine stuff. Finally, add the sieved, dry ingredients.

Put the 1 cm high Zila baking ring on a plate covered with paper and spread 2/3rds of the mixed pastry on the plate. Bake the rest (1/3) to get another, thinner and (by a thumb) smaller diameter cake crust at 220 C.

Floating island base cream

  • 0.5 l milk
  • 10 egg yolks
  • 130 g sugar
  • 30 g butter
  • the inside part of 1 vanilla pod (scraped out)
  • 1 spoonful of sugar
  • 8 g gelatine/ 4,5-5 sheets of gelatine

Mix the egg yolk and a little milk (approximately. 0.5 dl), then boil the rest of the milk with the 130 g sugar, the butter and vanilla. Pour the hot sugary milk on the egg-yolk base under constant stirring and heat it again (but do not boil!) until the cream disappears. Now add the 8 grams of gelatine mixed with a spoonful of sugar while stirring it continuously with a whisk. Heat this mixture for 30 more seconds and blend it with a hand blender. Put it somewhere cold and let it cool down. This should form a pudding-like cream base.

Ingredients for the cream:

  • 700 g floating island base
  • cream whipped from 0.5 litre cream base
  • 10 g gelatine/6 sheets of gelatine
  • 0.5 dl water

Take 700 g out of the floating island base and mix it with the dairy cream whipped from half a litre cream and 10g gelatine dissolved in 0.5 dl hot water. The gelatine solution must be added when it is lukewarm.

The rest of the floating island base (diluted) with 1-2 dl milk

Spray a thin layer all over the silicon part of the Zila cake form (use a form-separator spay, available in our webshop or substitute it with butter). The 2/3 – 3/4 part of the cream should be filled in the cake form edged with a 4 cm-high filling ring so that the cream covers the projecting parts. Lay the smaller sponge cake crust upside down on the smooth cream and sprinkle it evenly with the boiled then cooled sugar syrup made from 1 dl water, 3 spoonful of sugar and one packet of vanilla sugar.

Spread the rest of the cream on the soaked cake crust and cover the cake with the larger crust. Leave it in the freezer for one night. Turn it upside down.
Next day remove the silicon form and the metal ring. Dilute the remaining base with a little milk so that it becomes suitable for topping. Pour the topping in the holes and decorate the top of the cake with some whipped cream and meringues made from an egg white and 3 spoonful of sugar.
You can also decorate it with chocolate sprinkles.

Sugar syrup

  • 1 dl water
  • 3 spoonful of sugar
  • 1 packet of vanilla sugar


  • 1 egg white
  • 3 spoonful of sugar