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1 db 12 szeletes Zila Tortaformához

Hozzávalók a piskótához

  • 5 dkg margarin
  • 1 evőkanál porcukor
  • 1,5 tojás (vagy egy nagyobb tojás) sárgája és fehérje is
  • 1,5 evőkanál kristálycukor
  • 2 evőkanál liszt
  • 1 mokkáskanál keményítő (ha nincs, liszttel is helyettesíthető)

A margarint habosra keverjük, lassú keverés mellett hozzáadjuk a tojássárgáját és éppen csak simára keverjük. A tojásfehérjét a cukorral nem túl kemény habbá verjük, majd lazán elkeverjük a margarinos résszel. Végül belekeverjük az átszitált szárazanyagokat. Az 1 cm magas Zila sütőkarikát egy papírral fedett lemezre tesszük, majd a bekevert tészta 2/3-át a tortakarikára simítjuk. A fennmaradó 1/3-ból egy ujjnyival kisebb átmérőjű vékonyabb lapot sütünk 220 C-on.

Madártej alapkrém

  • 0,5 l tej
  • 10 db tojássárgája
  • 13 dkg kristálycukor
  • 3 dkg vaj
  • 1 vaníliarúd kikapart belseje
  • 1 evőkanál kristálycukor
  • 8 gramm zselatin/ 4,5-5 db lapzselatin

A tojássárgáját egy kevés tejjel (kb. 0,5 dl) kikeverjük, majd a többi tejet a nagyobb rész kristálycukorral és a vajjal és a vaníliával felforraljuk. A forró cukros tejet állandó keverés mellett a tojássárgás alaphoz öntjük, majd ismét a tűzre rakjuk és a keletkező hab eltűnéséig hevítjük, de nem forraljuk fel. Ekkor folyamatos habverővel történő keverés mellett hozzáadjuk az egy evőkanál cukorral elkevert 8 gramm zselatint. Ezt a keveréket még fél percig hevítjük, majd botmixerrel összeturmixoljuk. Hideg helyre téve teljesen kihűtjük. Egy lágy puding állagú krémalapot kell, hogy kapjunk.

Krém hozzávalók:

  • 70 dkg madártejalap
  • fél liter tejszínből vert hab
  • 1 dkg zselatin/ 6 db lapzselatin
  • fél dl víz

A madártejalapból 70 dkg-ot kimérve összekeverünk fél liter tejszínből vert habbal és fél deciliter forró vízben oldott még 1 dkg zselatinnal. A zselatin oldatot langyosan tesszük hozzá.

Maradék madártejalap 1-2 dl tejjel higítva

A Zila Tortaforma szilikon részét vékonyan befújjuk formaleválasztó sprayvel (beszerezhető webáruházunkban, vagy vajjal helyettesíthető) A krém 2/3 – 3/4 részét a 4 cm magas töltőkarikával szegélyezett tortaformába töltjük úgy, hogy a kiálló részeket éppen befedje a krém. A kisebbik piskótalapot fejjel lefelé az elsimított krémre fektetjük, majd 1 dl vízből, 3 evőkanál cukorból és 1 csomag vaníliás cukorból főzött, majd visszahűtött cukorsziruppal egyenletesen meglocsoljuk.

A maradék krémmel az átszaftosított lapra kenjük, majd a nagyobbik lappal a tortát befedjük. Egy éjszakára a mélyhűtőbe tesszük. Megfordítjuk.
Másnap a szilikonformát és a fém keretet eltávolítjuk. A maradék lefőzött alapot tejjel hígítjuk öntet állagúra. Az öntetet a résekbe öntjük, majd a torta tetejét egy kevés felvert tejszínhabbal és egy tojásfehérjéből, 3 evőkanál cukorból sütött habcsókkal díszítjük.
Dekorációként felhasználhatunk még csokoládéreszeléket.


  • 1 dl víz
  • 3 evőkanál cukor
  • 1 csomag vaníliás cukor


  • 1 tojásfehérje
  • 3 evőkanál cukor
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Sárgabarackos túrógombóc Zila Tortaformában


  • 750 g áttört túró
  • 5 db tojás
  • 10 g cukor
  • 180 g búzadara
  • 1 citrom reszelt héja
  • 1 vaníliarúd kikapart belseje
  • 1 evőkanál zsemlemorzsa
  • 2 csipet só
  • Pirított zsemlemorzsa
  • 450 g tejföl
  • 4 csomag habfixáló
  • sárgabarack konzerv


A túrót, a búzadarát, az 5 db tojássárgáját, a reszelt citromhéjat és a vaníliarúd kikapart belsejét alaposan keverjük össze és 2 órán át hűtőben pihentessük.

Ha letelt a 2 óra, verjük fel a tojásfehérjét a sóval és a cukorral nem túl kemény habbá, majd lazítsuk fel vele a túrós alapot. Ha túl lágynak érezzük, keverjünk bele egy evőkanál zsemlemorzsát!

A Zila Kocka Tortaformát fújjuk ki formaleválasztóval és panírozzuk be pirított zsemlemorzsával. Adagoljuk a formába a bekevert túrógombóc alapot, ügyelve a tömörítésre!

Gőzpárolóban 100 C fokon 12 perc alatt pároljuk.

Majd az alját szórjuk meg pirított zsemlemorzsával. Fordítsuk meg és válasszuk le a szilikon formát! Még melegen szeleteljük, és a kis kockákat forgassuk meg pirított zsemlemorzsában. Az üregeket töltsük meg darabolt sárgabarackkal!

A tejfölben habverővel keverjük el a habfixálókat, és pár percig hagyjuk állni! Így a tejföl olyan tartást kap, hogy csillagcsöves nyomózsákból a túrókockákra dresszírozhatjuk.

Friss gyümölccsel díszítjük, porcukrozva tálaljuk.

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Stollen cake

For one 12-slice-form

15 g of yeast
3 egg yolks
Scraped vanilla seeds of one vanilla bean
210 g of melted butter
210 g of powdered sugar
Grated zest of one lemon
Grated zest of one orange
210 g of brewed and cooled raisins
210 g of roasted and sliced almonds

Simply mix the above ingredients.

3 egg whites
90 g granulated sugar

Beat the egg whites with the granulated sugar until foamy but not too stiff and loosen the above mixture with it.

210 g of flour

Mix it loosely with the other ingredients.

Treat the form with the technical spray, then fill in the batter until void-free.

Bake it at 180°C for 40 minutes. After baking turn it over, remove the silicone form and the metal ring. Then brush it with melted butter and sprinkle the top with powdered sugar.

400 ml of cream of animal milk
300 g of white chocolate
Scraped vanilla seeds of one vanilla bean

Heat the cream with vanilla until steaming, then stir in the white chocolate and let it cool down, then fill it into the holes of the cake.

Decoration: orange fillets

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Chestnut cake

For one 12-slice-form

Béchamel base
110 ml of milk
45 g of sugar
10 g of corn starch
10 g of butter

Mix the corn starch with a bit of milk until smooth. Boil the remaining milk and simmer it with the milk-starch solution. Remove from the heat, add the sugar and the butter.

Chestnut purée
Lukewarm béchamel base (approx. 150 g)
350 g of chestnut paste
60 ml of rum
400 ml of cream whipped
5 sheets of gelatine

Add 350 g of chestnut paste and the rum to the lukewarm béchamel base, mix them in a blender until smooth, then loosen it with whipped cream and fix it with the prepared gelatine sheets.

Chestnut base
500 g of chestnut paste

Lay wax paper below the 10 mm high baking ring and squash the 500 g of prepared chestnut base so that it is spread evenly in the form.

Filling of the cake:

Put the high metal ring into the silicone form and spray a thin layer of the technical spray over it.

Fill half of the cream into the cake form and spread it without leaving any gaps, then place the rolled-out chestnut sheet on it. Spread the remaining cream over the chestnut base, then close it with the cooled chocolate sponge cake.

Sponge cake
10 g of cocoa powder
2 eggs
30 g of flour
40 g of sugar

Cover the baking-sheet with baking paper and place the 10 mm high baking ring on it.

Sift and mix the cocoa powder with the flour. Separate the eggs. Beat the egg whites with the sugar until foamy but not too stiff, carefully mix in the egg yolks, then gradually stir in the cocoa powder. Pour the mixture into the prepared baking ring and smooth it evenly. Bake in a preheated oven at 210°C for 12 to 13 minutes until ready.

Freeze it in the deep-freezer for one night, then turn the hard frozen pie over, so the silicone form can be removed easily.

Recommended sauces: Sour cherry, vanilla, chocolate sauce

Hint: The enjoyment can be increased by mixing some grated chocolate into the chestnut cream.

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Strawberry cake

For one 12-slice-form

Strawberry pulp fond
600 g of strawberries (frozen or fresh is subject to seasonality)
200 g of sugar
60 g of corn starch

Mix the strawberries until liquid, then dissolve the corn starch with a little of this liquid. Boil the remaining strawberries while stirring, then simmer them with the added starch solution until thick. Finally remove from the heat and add the sugar as well.

Put the high metal ring into the silicone form and spray a thin layer of the technical spray over it.

 Preparation of the cream
Lukewarm strawberry pulp fond
200 g of whipped cream
4 sheets of gelatine prepared

Preparation of the cream:

Loosen the lukewarm strawberry pulp fond with whipped cream, then fix it with the prepared gelatine sheets.

Pour the finished cream into the prepared silicone form until void-free, then close it with the cooled sponge cake sheet.

 Sponge cake
2 eggs
40 g of sugar
40 g of flour

Cover the baking-sheet with baking paper and place the 10 mm high baking ring on it.

Separate the eggs and beat the egg whites with the sugar until foamy but not too stiff. Then mix in the egg yolks, add carefully stir in the flour. Pour the mixture into the prepared baking ring and smooth it evenly. Bake in a preheated oven at 210°C for 12 to 13 minutes until ready.

Freeze it in the deep-freezer for one night, then overturn the hard frozen pie, so the silicone form can be removed easily.

Recommended sauces: strawberry, vanilla, chocolate sauce

You can prepare cakes with other fruits by keeping this proportion of ingredients. Instead of strawberries you can take raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, red-currants, sour cherries or wild berries as well.

Hint: Bake 2 thin sponge cake sheets, fill the form with the prepared cream only half, place the first cake sheet on it, then spread a thin layer of cream onto the sponge cake and close it with the other sponge cake sheet. In this way, the proportion of the sponge cake in relation to the cream can be increased.

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Yogurt cake

For one 12-slice-form

Béchamel base
220 ml of milk
90 g of sugar
20 g of corn starch
20 g of butter

Mix the corn starch with a bit of milk until smooth. Boil the remaining milk and simmer it with the milk-starch solution. Remove from the heat, add the sugar and the butter.

Yogurt cake filling
Cooled béchamel base (approx. 300 g)
300 g of plain yogurt
300 g of whipped cream
Juice of one lemon
4 sheets of gelatine

Put the high metal ring into the silicone form and spray a thin layer of the technical spray over it.

Stir the cooled béchamel sauce until smooth, add the plain yoghurt and the juice of the lemon, mix it, then loosen it with the whipped cream. Fix it with the properly prepared gelatine sheets.

Pour the finished cream into the prepared form, thicken it until void-free, then close it with the cooled sponge cake sheet.

Sponge cake
10 g of cocoa powder
2 eggs
30 g of flour
40 g of sugar

Cover the baking-sheet with baking paper and place the 10 mm high baking ring on it.

Sift and mix the cocoa powder with the flour. Separate the eggs. Beat the egg whites with the sugar until foamy but not too stiff, carefully mix in the egg yolks, then gradually stir in the cocoa powder. Pour the mixture into the prepared baking ring and smooth it evenly. Bake in a preheated oven at 210°C for 12 to 13 minutes until ready.

Freeze it in the deep-freezer for one night, then turn the hard frozen pie over, so the silicone form can be removed easily.

Recommended sauces: wild berry, blueberry, black currant, sour cherry sauce

Hint: During the filling of the cake a sauce may be added to the prepared yogurt cream, which will furnish the cream with a marbled pattern.

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Cocoa sponge cake

For one 25-cube-form For one 12-slice-form
6 medium eggs separated 8 medium eggs separated
140 g of sugar 190 g of sugar
190 g of flour 250 g of flour
20 g of cocoa 30 g of cocoa
45 g of melted butter 60 g of melted butter

Beat the egg whites with the granulated sugar until foamy but not too stiff. Add the melted butter and the egg yolks gently. Then loosely add the sifted flour and cocoa mixture and fill it into the cake pan that has been previously treated with the technical spray. Ensure that the filling is void-free, otherwise the baked sponge cake may have blisters. Bake at 160 °C for 25 to 30 minutes until ready. Sprinkle the warm sponge cake with granulated sugar and turn it over onto a sheet of baking paper, then remove the silicone form.

Hint: The sponge cake may be further seasoned with grated zest of lemon or orange or the scraped vanilla seeds of one vanilla bean that has been added to the melted butter.

Recommended sauces: vanilla, chocolate, caramel, fruit sauces

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Salty sponge cake

For one 12-slice-form
8 medium eggs separated
40 g of sugar
15 g of salt
280 g of flour
80 g of melted butter
2 mashed garlic cloves
½ onion chopped

Whisk the yolk, then beat the egg whites with the sugar and salt until foamy but not too stiff. Loosely mix the beaten egg foams, add the onion, garlic and melted butter. Lastly stir in the flour. Fill the batter into the form that has been treated previously with the technical spray and arrange it in the gaps of the form with a cream filler. Bake in a preheated oven at 160 °C for approx. 30 minutes until ready.

Hint: To further season the sponge cake, you may add paprika, ramsons, Vegeta vegetable powder, etc. to the melted butter; in addition you may fry the onion until glassy, then drain and add it to the sponge cake.

Recommended fillings: ham cream, sausage cream, cheese cream

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Nut sponge cake

For one 25-cube-form For one 12-slice-form
6 medium eggs separated 8 medium eggs separated
140 g of sugar 190 g of sugar
180 g of flour 240 g of flour
30 g of firmly cracked nut 40 g of firmly cracked nut

Beat the egg whites with the granulated sugar until foamy but not too stiff. Mix the scraped vanilla seeds with the melted butter and egg yolks, and then gently add the mixture to the beaten egg whites. Lastly stir in the flour mixed with nuts. Fill the sponge cake batter void-free into the form that has been treated previously with the technical spray. Bake in a preheated oven at 160 °C for 25 to 30 minutes. Sprinkle the hot sponge cake with sugar or nuts, and then turn it over onto baking paper. The silicone form may be removed immediately. According to preferences, hot jam may be spread on the surface of the sponge cake, and the sides may be breaded with nuts.

Hint: Instead of using ground almond, you can also use ground walnut or hazelnut.

Recommended sauces: vanilla, caramel, chocolate

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White sponge cake

For one 25-cube-form For one 12-slice-form
6 medium eggs separated 8 medium eggs separated
140 g of sugar 190 g of sugar
210 g of flour 280 g of flour
45 g of melted butter 60 g of melted butter

Beat the egg whites with the granulated sugar until foamy but not too stiff. Add the melted butter and the egg yolks gently. Then loosely add the sifted flour and fill it into the cake pan that has been previously treated with the technical spray. Ensure that the filling is void-free, otherwise the baked sponge cake may have blisters. Bake at 160 °C for 25 to 30 minutes until ready. Sprinkle the warm sponge cake with granulated sugar and turn it over onto a sheet of baking paper, then remove the silicone form.

Hint: The sponge cake may be further seasoned with grated zest of lemon or orange or the scraped vanilla seeds of one vanilla bean that has been added to the melted butter.

Recommended sauces: vanilla, chocolate, caramel, fruit sauces